As a bookkeeper, you will spend a lot of time handling financial records and receipts for your clients. If you are planning to open a virtual bookkeeping business, that provides you with an opportunity to expand your potential client base, but only if you take the right steps to ensure data security and build relationships. Here's a look at some of the things that you should consider.
Use Video Communication When Possible
Instead of being the person on the other end of emails and file transfers, schedule a video call with each client once a month to review their accounts, assess the trends that you might be seeing, and address any tax or reporting issues that you may have identified. Video communications put a more personal touch on virtual services, making the relationship feel less disconnected and more genuine.
Establish Secure File Transfer Protocols
As a remote bookkeeper, you will have to depend upon file transfers for many of your clients to get you the records and transaction histories that you need, as well as to send them reporting and other information. Make sure that the servers you rely on for your file transfers are encrypted and secured with adequate firewall protections and redundancy measures to prevent data loss and interceptions.
Work Within A Universal Bookkeeping Program
There are a number of different bookkeeping software packages out there. The online platforms allow for access to company records from virtually anywhere with an internet connection, making it possible for you and your client to view the records when necessary. If you have to, transition clients to the platform of your choice, or work with a platform that is versatile enough to meet everyone's needs.
Set Clear Expectations
Virtual bookkeeping services can leave some people feeling disconnected from their accounting records and reporting process. If you want to help your clients feel better informed and engaged, set clear expectations for the information that you need them to provide, the timing for when you need that information, and when they can expect you to respond with updates and account data.
These are some of the most important things to consider when you're dealing with any kind of virtual bookkeeping platform. Set your business up for success by offering your clients routine video communication and secure data transfers along with a management platform that is easily accessible. The more you understand, the easier it is to grow your client base.
For more information about online bookkeeping, contact a local company.